Our Vision for a Facility Serving Cats/Rescues

360 View of our Future Facility
With TWO Buildings with a combined 43,000 Sq. Ft., This Vision for Catify is one that will serve Multiple Feline Communities/Counties, Rescue Organizations, Pet Parents and SO MUCH MORE. This Catify Facility will ALSO allow us to be a "Self-Sustaining" Rescue Organization spending LESS TIME fundraising and MORE TIME given to the Care of CATS & KITTENS!! This will be a Café with a 120+ Cat Adoption Center, Cat Boarding (for vacations or work trips), and a State of the Art Veterinary Center with at least 5 veterinarians.
About the Café
With our Garden Arboretum Rooftop, this will NOT be your typical cat café! We will be serving Breakfast & Lunch with Pastries & Bakery Goods that are Hard-to-Find locally and taste Absolutely Awesome!! You will have the choice to Dine WITH or Without Cats with a seating capacity of 80 inside and up to 120 Outside weather permitting. The Rooftop Area will be designed to accommodate Banquets, Family Get-Togethers, Corporate Meetings and more. This Café will help to Sustain our Catify Non-Profit Rescue Organization!!
120+ Cat Adoption Center
The HEART of what we do.... CATS!! This facility, with TWO adjoining buildings (2nd not pictured) will have the capacity to house up to 700 wonderful feline lives with an EMERGENCY Overflow of an additional 100 for Emergency Rescue Operations for Rescue Organizations. This is one of the Blessings of having our own Veterinarian Staff onsite. We will have Four 550 Sq. Ft. Adoption Rooms each with an additional 220 Sq. Ft. Outdoor Habitat attached to each room. (Room 1) Kittens (Room 2) 1-9 Years Old (Room 3) Seniors (Room 4) Special Needs of All Types Cats
Complete Veterinarian Services
The MAIN REASON for this Facility is this State of the Art Veterinary Services with On-site Labs, Both Cat and Dental Digital X-Rays, Incubators, CT Scanner, Chiropractic, Lasers, Both Traditional & Natural Medicine and so much more. This facility will have the ability to handle Emergencies, TNR Programs for Rescues, Perform most blood/urine/feces testing onsite for faster results and give these wonderful felines a quality of service and love that they deserve!! With FIVE Veterinarians for most services, we will have room for two more specifically for surgeries and TNR Programs. These services/appointments will be geared 80% for rescue organizations and 20% for the general public. We also will have an Emergency Vet Equipped Van for those crucial emergency rescue hoarding situations.