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These Precious Kitties will NEVER Be Forgotten
Every Cat is So Very Unique, each having their own personality. Over the years that I have personally dealt with or had cats I can truly say there have been NO TWO ALIKE !! Yes, some cats may have a similar habit or trait about them compared to others, but their Uniqueness for each cat always amazes me. These cats below were in our care on a permanent basis once we transferred them due to unique situations from when they were originally rescued from other organizations. These Cats below showed us Unconditional Love and were Truly Part of our FAMILY !!

Tortie: (9 Y.O.) Congestive Heart Failure
Spooky: (18 Y.O.) Renal Failure
Mouse: (14 1/2 Y.O.) Upper GI Lymphoma
Smokey: (8 Y.O.) Massive Growth Deep in Sinus Cavity
Ellie Mae: (15+ Y.O.) Pulmonary Hypertension
Charlie: (8 Y.O.) Diabetic Ketoacidosis
Sophie: (16 1/2 Y.O.) Massive Growth pushing against Heart
Abby: (12 Y.O.) Major Seizure
& Heart Failure
Jethro: (16 Y.O.) Kidneys, Non-Regenerative Anemia
Woolley: (16 Y.O.) Severe Weight Loss * Suspect Cancer
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